All tagged liturgy

Pressure points of Holy Week: Reflections in light of Christian anti-Judaism

Even if we are not able to attend Holy Week services this year, we will hopefully be praying alongside each other, contemplating Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection; perhaps we will recall familiar parts of the liturgy, which have made an impression on us. At this, the apex of our penitential season and its resolution, the Revd Prof Daniel Joslyn-Siemiatkoski reminds us to be mindful of the ways in which our liturgical practices might themselves require repentance.

The priest's "secret" prayers at mass

Like all good catchphrases, ‘laborare est orare’ [‘to work is to pray’] is a mis-rendering. Just as S. Francis probably didn’t use the words, ‘preach the Gospel at all times, use words if necessary’, so ‘laborare est orare’ is a popular mis-rendering of the Benedictine, ‘ora et labora’ [‘prayer and work’]. 

Downloadable resources from our Learning to Pray series are now available. There are introductions and instructions to the Lord's Prayer, praying the psalms, the Jesus Prayer, Lectio Divina, and the Rosary.